2006 Interdominion Championship, Belmont, Australia
Interdominion and Australian OK Dinghy Championships Belmont, NSW, Australia To Results Reports by Robert Deaves Belmont 16ft Sailing Club, 7th…
Interdominion and Australian OK Dinghy Championships Belmont, NSW, Australia To Results Reports by Robert Deaves Belmont 16ft Sailing Club, 7th…
New Zealand and Interdominion OK Dinghy Championships Napier Sailing Club To Results Napier Sailing Club, 27th – 31st January 2005…
42th Australian and Interdominion OK Dinghy Championships Airlie Beach, North Queensland, Australia Whitsunday Cruising Yacht Club, 10th – 14th April…
41th Australian and Interdominion OK Dinghy Championships To Results Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron 28th December 2002 – 2nd January 2003…
Napier Sailing Club, January 5 – 11 73 competitors out of ten nations competed for the interdominion championships this year…
Black Rock Yacht Club To Results Easter Report from New-Zealand you could find the Australian Report below. The 2000 OK…
Glenelg Sailing Club / Adelaide / Australia To Results Report, courtesy John Dunne Results, courtesy Peter Nielsen The 1998 OK…
2 – 6 February, 1996 There were a total of 30 boats in the fleet with 4 coming from Australia.…
Glenelg, Australia, 14 – 17 April The combined Australian and Interdominion Championship was sailed from Glenelg Sailing Club over the…
Jervis Bay, Australia, 21 – 24 Feb. The International OK Association of NSW conducted the combined NSW State and Interdominion…