Selected articles from the OK Dinghy British Class Association’s five Technical Manuals are being reproduced on the OK Home Page.
They were written over a twenty-five year period from the 1970’s to the 1990’s, and most were first published in the British Newsletter for a British readership. They were assembled into the first four volumes of the Manuals in 1985: a fifth volume was added later.
The articles express the opinions of the authors. They do not represent the views of IOKDBCA or OKDIA. It is up to individual readers to form their own opinions about the ideas and techniques described.
In some cases, because of rule changes, developments in equipment or changes in technique, or to make an article more appropriate to an international readership, it has been felt necessary to up-date them with an editorial note. In order not to disrupt their originality, this is done as a post-script to each article (where necessary), and nothing in the article itself has been changed.
The illustrations are linked as separate files at the end of the article to reduce download times.
- Thoughts on the renovation of an OK
- Controls, side decks, toe straps an’ all
- Make your own super centreboard
- Tuning the OK rig
- How hard to pull the mainsheet
- Upwind sailing
- Sailing in windy weather
- Windward workout
- Sail the first beat