1998 Interdominion Championship, Glenelg, Australia
Glenelg Sailing Club / Adelaide / Australia To Results Report, courtesy John Dunne Results, courtesy Peter Nielsen The 1998 OK…
Glenelg Sailing Club / Adelaide / Australia To Results Report, courtesy John Dunne Results, courtesy Peter Nielsen The 1998 OK…
Courtesy Ralf “Ossie” Tietje (GER576). The German ranking is based on all the listed German regattas of the year. Sailors…
1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1. Guttkowsky Schönfeld Schönfeld Hitz Reemtsma Hitz 2. Reemtsma Rehbehn Rehbehn Schönfeld Hitz Reemtsma…
The OKEE TROFEE is a Belgian year trophy designed to encourage regular regatta participation. The results are based on the…
1998 Sandringham YC / Portland YC BLASSE BLITZ’S AGAIN WINNING VICTORIAN STATE TITLE!! This year The Victorian State Titles were…
Following is a list showing the final positions of the British Traveller series. Position Name Sailno Club Pts 1 Nick…
Turangi, December 05.-06. Report by Alistair Deaves, transmitted by Rob Hengst The second regatta in the New Zealand OK Dinghy…