22 – 24 June 1995

Seven races were sailed in Kiel, some of them on a course with two leeward marks for free choice to round one to port or the other to starboard, some on the new Olympic trapezoid. The race area for the OK is directly in front of the harbour, together with the 420 class.

On the first day two races in very shifty and light conditions, second day two races in moderate to strong winds in which one OK from Poland sunk, which means that this (old) boat would never have passed a measurement. On the third day two races in moderate breeze and on the last day one race in moderate wind.

Karsten Hitz from Germany not only won the first prize in the OK but also the “Commodores Cup” for the boat scoring the least points of all Classes starting in the first (International classes) part of the Kiel Week (12 classes). Karsten won 5 out of the seven races with another 2nd to count and a 7th to discard!

In Kiel, like last year, the jury was on the water with RIBs to use the “yellow flag rule”- if someone infringed rule 54 (pumping, rocking, sculling) he was shown a yellow flag and had to do a 720 or got DSQ, if a second time DND, which once happened to Hedley Fletcher from GBR (from the same jury which was at the Worlds five weeks later).

57 OK’s from 6 nations competed.

Pos Sail No Name R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 Pts
1 GER 672 Karsten Hitz 7 1 2 1 1 1 1 7
2 DEN 1246 Anders Andersen 1 11 5 2 3 2 3 16
3 POL 17 Mateusz Kusznierewicz 6 8 1 3 2 3 17 23
4 GBR 2059 David Rose 14 20 3 5 5 8 4 39
5 GER 621 Reemt Reemtsma 2 2 12 16 PMS 6 5 43
6 POL 67 Boguslaw Moczorodynski 9 9 6 7 4 13 DNC 48
7 GER 699 Jörn Wille 5 7 17 DNC 23 12 2 66
8 GER 634 Rüdiger Prinz 15 3 21 14 9 15 12 68
9 GER 618 Peter Scheuerl 12 25 8 20 6 9 15 70
10 GER 654 Helmut Mannsbarth 19 6 14 DNC 14 10 9 72
11 POL 91 Rafal Szukiel 4 13 9 10 13 DNC 27 76
12 GBR 2073 Hedley Fletcher 3 4 7 4 PMS DND 13 89
13 SWE 99 Jan-Eric Nystedt 16 26 13 6 PMS 4 41 106
14 POL 113 Pjotr Soltan 10 10 35 23 17 26 22 108
15 GER 606 Harald Kölsch 51 14 15 15 22 21 21 108
16 POL 33 Michael Leszczynski 26 5 23 22 29 17 18 111
17 GER 607 Ingo Ballerstein 8 28 18 19 19 35 19 111
18 GER 703 Torsten Teutloff 18 244 24 13 18 36 16 113
19 GER 698 Jan-Dietmar Dellas 28 35 4 8 PMS 7 35 117
20 GER 707 Thorsten Schmidt 27 34 26 DNC 10 16 6 119
21 GER 482 Martin von Zimmermann PMS 30 11 DNC 11 5 7 122
22 GBR 2010 Alaister Deaves 11 16 34 DNC 27 14 20 122
23 GER 449 Sönke Behrens 40 22 37 12 26 18 8 123
24 POL 46 Marian Jankowski 25 29 22 9 12 27 31 124
25 GBR 1985 David Carroll 17 15 39 DNC 8 22 24 125
26 POL 116 Adam Sztormowski 13 21 36 DNC 31 20 14 135
27 DEN 1261 Tom Pedersen 30 31 16 DNC 24 28 10 139
28 GBR 2074 Terry Curtis 24 33 33 11 15 30 33 146
29 GBR 2060 Greg Casey 20 44 10 DNC 7 31 39 151
30 SWE 2739 Peder Thunander 41 40 25 DNC 21 11 25 163
31 SWE 2729 Hans Elkjær 22 43 27 DNC 25 19 32 168
32 GBR 2056 Giles Hudson 38 DNC 32 21 16 23 43 173
33 GER 695 Dirk Gericke DNC DNC 20 17 20 29 29 173
34 GBR 2054 Kenneth Carroll 21 19 19 DNC DNC DNC 11 186
35 GER 679 Jörg Sylvester 35 27 38 DNC 32 24 30 186
36 GER 570 Sven Wurmdobler 39 18 31 DNC 30 32 38 188
37 GER 690 Jan Dissel 32 42 43 DNC 37 25 23 202
38 POL 31 Antoni Pawlowski 23 17 29 18 DNC DNC DNC 203
39 GER 655 Niels Schoenrock 34 32 30 DNC 33 34 42 205
40 GER 680 Marina Dellas 47 36 28 DNC 28 33 34 206
41 GBR 2071 Alan Atkin 31 37 40 DNC 35 40 49 232
42 POL 143 Robert Andrzejak 42 47 45 DNC 34 37 36 241
43 DEN 1260 Henning Biering Nielsen 37 12 DNC DNC PMS DNC 26 249
44 GER 630 Norbert Petrausch 43 49 47 DNC 36 41 40 256
45 GER 688 Dirk Dame 44 41 DNC DNC 39 39 37 258
46 GER 649 Regina Schubert 36 39 DNC DNC 38 42 47 260
47 DEN 1271 Rene Johannsen 50 23 41 DNC DNC DNC 52 282
48 POL 189 Michal Szymankiewicz 29 38 DNC DNC DNC DNC 44 285
49 GER 635 Burkhard Rössau 48 46 DNC DNC DNC DNC 28 296
50 POL 383 Krysztof Gidrewicz 33 48 42 DNS DNC DNC DNC 297
51 GER 623 Michael Westphal 49 50 44 DNC DNC 38 DNC 297
52 GER 702 Peter Wesserling 55 53 50 DNC 40 DNF 53 309
53 DEN 1285 Per Trolle 45 45 DNC DNC DNC DNC 46 310
54 NED 659 Ton Vogelzang 52 51 46 DNC DNC DNC 45 310
55 GER 664 Thomas Neveling 46 DNC 48 DNC DNF DNC 48 316
56 GER 665 Jörg Schroll 53 52 49 DNC DNC DNC 50 320
57 GER 383 Daniel Gröschel 54 DNC DNC DNC DNC DNC 51 337