KZ&RV Hollandia, Medemblik, May 4 -6

Report by Martin von Zimmermann

The Spring-Cup in Medemblik saw 40 boats the start line, a strong fleet from nine different countries which included the current world- and european champions.

The wheather condition showed cold temperatures between 5 and 10 degrees and a perfect breeze with 3 bft on Friday and 4-5 bft on Saturday and Sunday.

The regatta was held jointly with the Solo class, another single handed dinghy, with similar boat speed. Thanks to the professional race organization from the local sailing club, there was almost no interference between the two classes. As usual there was a dinner with Beer and Live musik at Brakebroer.

On the water Nick showed an impressive performance winning the regatta with only 9 point in 8 races, followed by Greg and Bartosz.

2012 Spring Cup – Results
Plc Sailno Name Pts R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8
1 GBR 2134 Nick Craig 9,0 1 3 2 1 1 1 2 1
2 NZL 544 Greg Wilcox 14,0 2 1 6 3 2 3 1 2
3 POL 19 Bartosz Rakocy 33,0 9 4 16 4 3 2 8 3
4 GBR 2118 Terry Curtis 36,0 6 18 5 6 6 6 3 4
5 GER 693 Martin v Zimmerman 54,0 12 10 12 2 5 10 6 9
6 GER 773 Rüdiger Prinz 60,0 3 11 1 14 16 dns 9 6
7 DEN 8 Stefan Myrälf 61,0 4 5 20 5 11 4 12 dns
8 POL 1 Tomasz Gaj 61,0 15 6 19 9 8 8 5 10
9 DEN 1364 Jørgen Lindhardtsen 68,0 dns 2 3 dnf 4 5 7 5
10 GBR 2042 Richard Burton 74,0 7 14 10 10 7 dns 10 16
11 GBR 2147 Alex Scoles 82,0 21 7 8 8 9 19 17 14
12 DEN 1335 Mogan Johansen 88,0 13 13 17 13 10 9 21 13
13 GER 750 Ralf Tietje 90,0 16 15 24 7 13 13 19 7
14 DEN 1398 Christian Hedlund 104,0 5 8 18 dnf 12 15 4 ocs
15 SWE 99 Hans Elkjær 111,0 18 19 25 19 17 12 14 12
16 GBR 2136 Jonathan Fish 117,0 27 12 4 11 14 7 dns dns
17 GBR 2101 Julian Burnham 121,0 10 21 23 15 19 17 18 21
18 GER 715 Sven Beye 133,0 17 27 7 28 25 24 15 18
19 GER 760 Andreas Deubel 135,0 26 26 14 20 dnf 14 13 22
20 GBR 2141 Simon Davis 138,0 8 25 15 24 24 dns 25 17
21 GBR 2096 James Case 143,0 24 23 35 12 26 23 20 15
22 GBR 2145 Tony Woods 145,0 11 9 13 17 dnf ocs 11 dnf
23 GBR 1774 Tom Lonsdale 146,0 22 33 9 26 21 22 23 23
24 GER 737 Thorsten Schmidt 147,0 28 28 26 22 20 16 16 19
25 DEN 1265 Malte Pedersen 154,0 dns 30 33 18 23 20 22 8
26 POL 4 Drozdzik Radoslaw 160,0 14 16 21 27 22 18 dns dns
27 GER 680 Jan Dietman Dellas 162,0 25 41 dns 21 29 11 24 11
28 GBR 2130 Deryck Lovegrove 188,0 33 29 32 30 30 21 26 20
29 GBR 2120 Daniel Ager 202,0 dns 34 11 16 15 ocs dns dns
30 BEL 220 Ronny Poelman 205,0 30 22 28 23 18 dns dnc dns
31 GER 651 Heinz Ridder 212,0 36 38 34 33 33 25 27 24
32 POL 7 Marek Bernat 216,0 20 20 36 29 27 dns dns dns
33 BEL 214 Paul Verrijdt 228,0 19 32 27 32 34 dns dnc dns
34 GBR 2148 Chris Perry 230,0 23 17 22 dnf dns dns dns dns
35 GBR 2129 Alan Atkin 231,0 29 37 29 36 31 27 dns dns
36 NED 500 Stephan Veldman 238,0 32 39 37 25 35 28 dns dns
37 USA 1010 Bradford Johanson 239,0 35 36 30 34 36 26 dnc dns
38 NED 555 Jan Siebe de Vries 240,0 31 31 31 35 dns dns 28 dns
39 GBR 2149 Martin Bower 262,0 dns 24 dns dns 28 dns dns dns
40 GER 724 Marina Dellas 263,0 34 40 dns 31 32 dns dns dns
41 NED 638 Robert Bancken 273,0 37 35 38 37 dnf dns dnc dns