Haltern, October 12-13, 1996

28 OK’s came to Haltern. The weather was like in Zwischenahn: Sun and light shifty winds. Mainly because of the good food and free Beer on Saturday and coffee and cake on Sunday this event is so attractive.

Light winds, very shifty.

The first race was won by Rüdiger Prinz, followed by Jörn Richter and Martin von Zimmermann.

The second race was started in the dieing breeze and on the first reach all OK’s decided to sail back to the habour, some minutes later the three guns also sent the 470’s home.

On saturday night there was a lot of free beer and many different salads as well as some meat.

Again, light winds but with some gusts after some hours of postponement.

Fabian Gronholz played the shifts best to win the race and the event. Second in the race and the regatta was Sven Wormdobler. Uwe Boehm finished third in the race.

Pl Sail Nbr Name R1 R2 Pts
1 GER632 Fabian Gronholz 5 1 5.75
2 GER570 Sven Wurmdobler 4 2 6
3 GER693 Martin von Zimmermann 3 5 8
4 GER679 Oliver Gronholz 7 4 11
5 GER618 Peter Scheuerl 6 9 15
6 GER664 Thomas Neveling 8 7 15
7 GER666 Jörn Richter 2 17 19
8 GER599 Uwe Boehm 18 3 21
9 GER686 Kai Witt 12 10 22
10 GER487 Gunnar Goronzi 17 6 23
11 GER605 Rolf Münch 16 8 24
12 GER473 Jan Harder 10 14 24
13 GER697 Jörg Posny 15 11 26
14 GER602 Peter Stephan 9 18 27
15 GER653 Magnus Wienhoefer 14 13 27
16 GER634 Rüdiger Prinz 1 DNS 29.75
17 GER628 Matthias Müller 19 19 38
18 GER357 Jörg Rademacher 11 DNS 40
19 GER607 Birke Taufenbach DSQ 12 41
20 GER615 Klaus Stephan 25 16 41
21 GER576 Ralf Tietje 13 DNS 42
22 GER649 Heike Münch 23 20 43
23 GER642 Ralf Mackmann DNS 15 44
24 GER589 Jens Bock 26 21 47
25 GER478 Uwe Rademacher 20 DNS 49
26 GER698 Jan Dietmar Dellas 21 DNS 50
27 GER680 Marina Dellas 22 DNS 51
28 GER635 Burkhard Rössau 24 DNS 29

Bad Zwischenahn, October 5-6, 1996

28 sailors came to the Zwischenahner Meer, a lake in Oldenburg (north west of Germany, near the Netherlands) to help Ralf “Ossi” Tietje celebrate his 20 years of sailing OK.

It was perfect end summer weather : sun, clear air…and nearly no wind. On saturday at 11:00 the first of two races was started. Both races were held in shifty conditions which were hard to predict. Rüdiger Prinz, German champion 1996, showed his light wind dominance and won both races, followed by Peter Stephan in the first race and Ralf Mackmann in the second race.

On Sunday one race was scheduled for 11:00 but due to totally no wind it was postponed several times. At 13:00 the race committee tried to start in some wind, but big shifts and the lack of wind after the first triangle made them abandon the race.

Pl Sail Nbr Name R1 R2 Pts
1 GER634 Rüdiger Prinz 1 1 1.5
2 GER618 Peter Scheuerl 3 5 8
3 GER699 Jörn Wille 4 6 10
4 GER602 Peter Stephan 2 9 11
5 GER622 Christian Hartmann 7 4 11
6 GER576 Ralf Tietje 5 8 13
7 GER690 Jan Dissel 6 10 16
8 GER628 Matthias Müller 17 3 20
9 GER599 Uwe Boehm 8 12 20
10 GER642 Ralf Mackmann 19 2 21
11 GER707 Thorsten Schmidt 10 15 25
12 GER688 Dirk Dame 14 11 25
13 GER664 Thomas Neveling 11 16 27
14 GER595 Guido Miesbach 16 14 30
15 GER698 Manfred Kiekbusch 9 24 33
16 GER697 Jörg Posny 12 21 33
17 GER635 Burkhard Rössau 20 13 33
18 GER674 Daniel Gröschel 15 18 33
19 GER680 Marina Dellas 13 22 35
20 GER478 Uwe Rademacher 18 17 35
21 GER633 Rainer Schroeter 21 19 40
22 GER615 Klaus Stephan 22 20 42
23 GER649 Sven Wurmdobler DNC 7 43
24 GER654 Axel Reuter 23 25 48
25 GER590 Andre Hennings 26 DNF 52
26 GER640 Ralf Mlecko DNC 23 59
27 GER589 Jens Bock 24 DNC 60
28 GER620 Anette Münch 25 DNC 60

Bad Segeberg

September 21-22

Pl. Sailno. Name Pts-1
1 GER672 Karsten Hitz 3.75
2 GER649 Sven Wurmdobler 14
3 GER686 Kai Witt 18
4 GER618 Peter Scheuerl 20
5 GER449 Sönke Behrens 24
6 GER607 Ingo Ballerstein 26
7 GER679 Jörg Sylvester 36
8 GER453 Oliver Grohnholz 39
9 GER690 Jan Dissel 39.5
10 GER632 Fabian Grohnholz 40
11 GER674 Carsten Hammer 45
12 GER666 Jörn Richter 58
13 GER67 Martin Marschner 64.5
14 GER595 Guido Misbach 68
15 GER630 Norbert Petrausch 74
16 GER620 Anette Münch 74
17 GER623 Hendrik Baumgart 75
18 GER670 Birke Taufenbach 77
19 GER654 Axel Reuter 84
20 GER334 Berndt Thomann 95

Baltic Regatta

June 8-9

Report courtesy Peter Scheuerl, OK GER 618

15 OK sailors, mostly from northern Germany, came to Kiel on June 8th to participate in the Baltic regatta, with Contenders, Int. 14-foot skiffs and 505s. The course was a triangle-sausage with both start and finish in the middle of the beat.

Two races scheduled. Westerly light winds, warm (32 Celsius) and sunny.

First race
In a light breeze most of the fleet went right, but after a few hundred metres Rüdiger Prinz (GER634) went left with Sönke Behrens (GER449) and Kirstin Brand (GER637), hoping for more wind there. Their hope was realised and the group arrived first in this order at the first mark, followed by Peter Scheuerl (GER618) and Rainer Rehbehn (GER595), who just came back to the OK after a 12-year break (he started his OK-career in the late sixties!).

On the second and only full-length beat the first three went left again. Peter, fourth at the leeward mark went right and got a 30 degree shift to be first at the windward mark, followed by Rüdiger. Rüdiger got back the lead on the run again to win the race, Peter second and Kirstin 3rd.

Due to an oncoming thunderstorm the race committee postponed the second race to the next day.

It was too hazy in the morning for sailing so the races where postponed until 13:30. Light westerly winds.

Second race
A big shift to the left caused all boats start on port and nearly fetch the mark. After a shift back to the right shortly before the first mark, Sönke lead with the whole fleet following. With a gust before the gybing mark there was nearly a new start at this mark, with Rüdiger Prinz again in front. On the second beat there was a big right shift which saw Rüdiger in front of Peter, followed by Rainer Rehbehn and Jörn Richter (GER666). On the finishing beat Rainer overtook Peter to finish second behind Rüdiger.

Third race
The race committee decided to sail the shortened course which meant only a triangle with no long beat.

Rüdiger was first at the windward mark, followed by Sönke and Kirstin, who caught up with Sönke on the reach. The wind increased to about 8 m/s on the final beat wich let Sönke and Peter overtake Kirstin and close the gap with Rüdiger. Peter second, Sönke third.

Pl Sail Nbr Name R1 R2 R3 Pts
1 GER634 Rüdiger Prinz 1 1 1 2.25
2 GER618 Peter Scheuerl 2 3 2 7
3 GER678 Nis Welm 4 6 4 14
4 GER595 Rainer Rehbehn 8 2 5 15
5 GER449 Sönke Behrens 5 9 3 17
6 GER637 Kirstin Brand 3 8 6 17
7 GER703 Thorsten Teutloff 9 5 8 22
8 GER666 Jörn Richer 6 4 15 25
9 GER623 Hendrik Baumgart 7 7 14 28
10 GER632 Fabian Gronholz 11 10 9 30
11 GER261 Andreas Ludwig 12 11 11 34
12 GER383 Daniel Gröschel 10 13 13 36
13 GER672 Martin Marschner DNS 12 7 38
14 GER630 Norbert Petrausch DNS 14 12 7
15 GER606 Harald Kölsch DNS DNF DNS 57


May 25-26

Report courtesy Peter Scheuerl, OK GER 618

42 OK’s from all over Germany came to the Whitsun regatta on lake Schwerin, located between Hamburg and Berlin. Four races with one discard were sailed.

After strong rain in the morning, it became dry in time for the first start, but with the rain also the wind decreased. It remained cloudy with around 1-2 Beaufort of wind from the west.

First race
Positions changed a lot because of the very shifty wind, but it soon became clear that the right side was favoured.

Karsten Hitz (GER672) won, Kirstin Brand (GER637) was second with Uwe Boehm (GER599) third.

Second race
The wind was still very light with some gusts and still shifty. The first mark saw Ingo Ballerstein (GER607) first, coming from the right, andhe never lost his lead during the race. From the second beat on it was only possible to catch boats wich made big mistakes e.g. going to the left. Rüdiger Prinz (GER634) finished second, with Jan Dissel (GER690) third.

On Saturday evening there was some free beer and barbeque.

Some more wind from the west.

Third race
The wind increased to around 4 Bft. Karsten was second on the first mark, following Martin von Zimmermann (GER693) with Jörn Wille (GER699) third. Karsten overtook Martin on the reach to win the race with a 150m lead. Peter Scheuerl (GER618) overtook Jörn on the run to be third for the last triangle. After Martin going not far enough right on the last beat, Peter finished second with Martin third.

Fourth race
Karsten won again in the decreasing breeze. On the first beat the left side was favoured, but then again the right side seemed to promise more pressure. Jörn Wille finished second with Harald Kölsch (GER606) third.

Pl Sail Nbr Name R1 R2 R3 R4 Pts-1
1 GER672 Karsten Hitz 1 6 1 1 2.25
2 GER607 Ingo Ballerstein 12 1 4 4 8.75
3 GER699 Jörn Wille 16 7 5 2 14
4 GER606 Harald Kölsch 15 4 9 3 16
5 GER690 Jan Dissel 5 3 27 10 18
6 GER634 Rudiger Prinz 14 2 11 9 22
7 GER599 Uwe Boehm 3 15 12 7 22
8 GER618 Peter Scheuerl 10 11 2 18 23
9 GER449 Sönke Behrens 4 14 6 16 24
10 GER707 Thorsten Schmidt 17 8 10 8 26
11 GER225 Volkmar Kiene 13 12 16 6 31
12 GER576 Ralf Tietje 27 23 7 5 35
13 GER622 Christian Hartmann 6 16 13 17 35
14 GER693 Martin von Zimmerman 25 22 3 12 13
15 GER642 Ralf Mackmann 11 13 14 DNF 38
16 GER577 Dieter Senst 7 10 29 23 40
17 GER602 Peter Stephan 9 27 20 13 42
18 GER670 Hinnerk Ries 28 17 8 19 44
19 GER637 Kirstin Brand 2 21 23 DNF 46
20 GER539 Carsten Sass 26 19 17 11 47
21 GER473 Jan Harder 8 20 25 21 49
22 GER628 Mathias Müller 21 24 18 15 54
23 GER659 Falk Hagemann 19 9 30 29 57
24 GER605 Anette Münch 18 5 37 DNF 60
25 GER680 Marina Dellas 35 28 19 14 61
26 GER570 Christian Senst 20 26 22 26 68
27 GER635 Burkhard Rössau 22 35 28 20 70
28 GER632 Fabian Gronholz 29 29 21 25 75
29 GER695 Dirk Gericke 34 36 15 27 76
30 GER280 Jörg Engler 33 30 24 24 78
31 GER453 Oliver Gronholz 24 34 33 22 79
32 GER664 Thomas Neveling 30 18 35 DNF 83
33 GER646 Henning Dresel 32 25 34 28 85
34 GER301 Andreas Kudella 31 31 26 DNC 43
35 GER633 Rainer Schroeter 23 33 DNF DNC 97
36 GER702 Peter Wesserling 40 38 31 30 99
37 GER630 Norbert Petrausch 36 37 32 32 100
38 GER313 Holger Lauschke 38 40 36 31 105
39 GER542 Juliane Hofmann 37 32 DNF DNC 110
40 GER38 Michael Krohn 42 41 38 33 112
41 GER31 Michael Wollschlaeger 39 42 39 34 112
42 GER636 Tobias Noe 41 39 DNS DNC 123