Ebeltoft, 18. – 20. August

Report by Thomas Glas, translated by Peter Scheuerl

After too light winds in France, the Danish championship is on. For the ones never been at a Danish champ: What does this regatta brings with it?

First it means a quite high entry fee, 100 Euro this year. A Danish championship also means getting up early, like in the last years, start was at 10:00.

Why driving this far? First, this years Danish championship was held in Ebeltoft, that’s on Jütland just one bay on from Kalovig (north of Aarhus, where many Germans get their “Green Sails” from), so no ferry to take and the driving distance manageable. So it was no surprise that beside the “Halfdane” Gunter six more “Nordlicher” (German Lake Sailors) attended.

A Danish championship also means: Wind. But since Kieler Woche he hardly showed up and during this weekend it wasn’t exactly blowing. But it was enough for 8 races, all quite fair and nice.

Further Danish championship means: Full meal plan. As every year it was plenty, so the entry fee isn’t that high in the end. Also the first ten got really nice prices.

It also means: small fishery village and a nice sailing area. Ebeltoft is not that small, but is located at a pictorial bay.

It means: Lots of relaxed Danes, plus a Swede made a starter list of 42. By the way, the communication problems are neglectable…

A Danish champ means: Lots of relaxed Danes who are terrible fast on the water. The fleet was very close all the time, it was quite hard to get into the top ten. Mark roundings were very close but always within the rules. There was also a Special Guest: Jørgen Holm was using Hitzis boat.

“Dane-land” also means: Eating Hot Dogs, chatting gossip, Sun and rain taking turns (more Sun this time), real toilets; and the cognisance that age does not stop you from winning. Jörgen was better than all of us. Mogens became the miracle second, the new European champ was best foreigner.

In short: Denmark is always worth a trip! Next years Danish nationals are in Roskilde, that’s on Seeland. That means another highlight we haven’t had this year: using the ferry!

Pos Sailno Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 DEN 1348 Jørgen Lindhardtsen 1 1 6 9 3 1 2 9
2 DEN 1335 Mogens Johansen 5 10 13 3 9 2 1 2
3 GER 693 Martin Von Zimmermann 3 9 2 5 25 4 7 6
4 GER 717 Oliver Gronholz 4 6 4 2 24 15 5 1
5 GER 731 Thomas Glas 7 8 10 1 12 7 9 8
6 DEN 1344 Peter Wibroe 6 4 26 13 7 3 4 14
7 GER 672 Günter Arndt 16 14 12 7 1 11 3 4
8 DEN 1345 Frank Hansen 2 3 9 29 5 16 6 18
9 DEN 1347 Rene Johansen 36 2 14 11 2 5 DSQ 3
10 DEN 1330 Troels Lykke 25 18 11 15 4 6 13 11
11 DEN 1340 Jesper Petersen 14 7 3 25 15 18 10 15
12 DEN 1353 Claus Deichgräber 10 17 8 12 8 27 22 12
13 DEN 1341 Mikael Nielsen 8 15 32 23 6 22 25 5
14 GER 656 Andreas Pich 19 12 21 19 21 12 15 7
15 DEN 1304 Christian Midtgaard 21 5 1 39 17 21 14 27
16 DEN 727 Jørgen Holm Nielsen 13 19 19 8 DSQ 14 19 17
17 GER 539 Carsten Sass 20 13 15 26 11 25 16 13
18 DEN 1331 Fritz Banner Pedersen 33 24 7 22 22 10 18 20
19 DEN 1248 Per Baagøe 24 22 22 6 33 23 17 10
20 SWE 2739 Janne Nystedt 28 20 5 18 26 20 8 DNS
21 DEN 1324 Bo Teglers 18 21 17 30 13 9 24 23
22 GER 726 Jörg Sylvester 11 30 31 14 18 19 28 16
23 DEN 1322 Ivan Pedersen 27 28 20 4 10 29 20 DSQ
24 DEN 1359 Henrik Søgren Hansen 12 16 23 16 20 8 DSQ DNS
25 DEN 1303 John Skjoldby 29 32 28 10 19 13 21 22
26 DEN 1259 Ulrik Larsen 23 11 16 32 27 17 DSQ 21
27 DEN 1249 Ken Zier 9 33 24 33 DSQ 24 11 28
28 DEN 1261 Tom Pedersen 15 23 18 28 30 28 27 DNS
29 DEN 1355 Flemming Ipsen 31 25 30 24 31 33 12 25
30 DEN 1337 Jens Makholm 17 27 27 21 16 32 DNS DNS
31 DEN 1354 Per Trolle 26 39 34 17 23 34 32 30
32 DEN 1357 Henning Biering Nielsen 35 26 33 20 14 26 DNS DNS
33 DEN 1329 Sam Jedig 30 38 40 27 37 30 31 19
34 DEN 1305 Martin Kay 37 35 29 37 32 35 29 24
35 DEN 1285 Christan Schmidt-Møller 39 36 35 34 34 31 26 29
36 DEN 1218 Joe Schubert 22 31 37 DNS DNS 39 23 32
37 DEN 1350 Per Sørensen 32 29 39 36 38 38 35 33
38 DEN 1277 Poul Christiansen 34 37 38 40 29 36 30 DNS
39 DEN 1246 Frank Visler DNF 34 25 35 28 37 DNS DNS
40 DEN 1159 Poul Aunsholm 40 41 41 31 36 40 33 26
41 DEN 1336 Thomas Christensen 38 40 36 38 35 41 34 31
42 DEN 1271 Jacob Christensen 41 42 42 41 39 42 36 34