Results courtesy Chris Biscomb.

Following is a list showing the final positions of the British Traveller series.
The results take into account the last twelve eligible events.

Position Name Sail number
1 Hedley Fletcher 2073
2 Mike Edwards 1984
3 Mary Reddyhoff 2058
4 Neil Goodhead 1969
5 Gavin Waldron 2080
6 Nick Craig 2042
7 Greg Casey 2060
8 Andy Turner 2059
9 Terry Curtis 2074
10 David Carroll 2065
11 Ken Carroll 2054
12 Alan Atkin 2071
13 Keith Byers 2076
14 Adrian Dumbelton 2067
15 Giles Hudson 2056
16 Alistair Deaves 2010
17 Robert Deaves 2081
18 C.Biscomb 2036
19 B.Croome 2033
20 John Owen 2052
21 Chris Chatfeild 2046
22 James Wells 2045
23 Simon Shaw 2039
24 Rodney Thorne 2004
25 Bob Bourne 2075
26 Andy Williams 2047
27 M.Grinter 1993
28 Will Turner 2034
29 Sarah Brewer 2007
30 Justine Davenport 1985
31 Helen Deaves 1971
32 Mark Barnes 2003
33 John Ball 1968
34 Dan Ager 2007
35 Duncan Mathew 1985
36 Simon Deeks 2031
37 David Rose 2059
38 Alan Price 2041
39 Peter Witherington 1874
40 Mel Hazel 1994
41 G.Pearce 2079
42 Rod Tidd 1979
43 Brian Quayle 1986
44 Graham Curtis 2013
45 Jim Howden 1286
46 G Thompson 1009
47 David Hart 1834
48 Keith Macauley 1980
49 Tim Playford 1885
50 Trevor Storer 1586
51 John Greaves 1790
52 Dave Hall 1221
53 Rod Kershaw 2028
54 Rawson Dillon 1738
55 Malcolm Denham 1858
56 Roger Cooper 1894
57 Howard Wheater 2087
58 Roy Burnham 1695
59 David Jackson 1615
60 Chris Rathbone 1962