The OKEE TROFEE is a Belgian year trophy designed to encourage regular regatta participation. The results are based on the most popular regattas (excluding the Belgium Open). For each regatta in which they participated the sailors receive a number of points equal to their placing, which are added and the one with the lowest number of points wins.

1 Alex Schoenmakers B91 72
2 Vic Abbeloos B26 92
3 Jos Claessens B16 115
4 Bart Bomans B44 123
5 Pieter De Bondt B110 126
6 Jan Huybrechts B65 127
7 Franz Hawer B177 128
8 Joris Claes B56 133
9 Jozef De Ridder B5 142
10 Jan Van Driessche B161 143
11 Kris Lauwers B? 144
12 Paul Bouts B203 146
13 Richard Huger B104 154
14 Christophe Colle B165 156
15 Patrick Laumans B77 156
16 Patrick Netten B77 157
17 Ronald Mendonck B165 159
18 Michel Wouters H539 160
19 Tim Schoenmakers H539 162