Drimmelen , 21 October

Report by Wietze Huitema

Last weekend, in Drimmelen, the Netherlands, the ‘Hans Horrevoets Memorial Race’ was sailed to remember the Dutch sailor who died in the 2005/2006 Volvo Ocean Race. Hans Horrevoets sailed the OK Dinghy around 1995. He also attended the Spring Cup and some other international regattas.

Jan Siebe de Vries (NED 652) was invited because the 652 is the OK which Hans use to sail. Jan Siebe was joined by Stephan Veldman (NED 663) and Adrie Kuijpers (NED 662). It was a nice venue. We made a videoreport that can be seen in the ‘nieuws’ section of the site www.ok-jol.nl. You can also find it on youtube…